Winning the Crowd


There is so much value in understanding your primary and secondary audiences and crafting your marketing efforts so you can connect with them. Well, in this short-n-sweet note I thought I’d share with you a few of the questions my team and I ask when we work to understand our client’s target audiences.

First off, ask yourself these four (4) questions:

  1. When you first created your organization, product, or offering, who did you have in mind?
  2. When you think of the features and benefits of what you offer, who has the most to gain from using your product or service?
  3. Currently, who accounts for most of your business’s revenue? How would you describe those customers or consumers?
  4. Is there a particular type of group or individual that is more influential in the purchase decision?

Now don’t stop there. Through target audience segmentation, you may discover that you have multiple primary and secondary audiences. A company could easily have several in each category, but the secret to good marketing is focus. You won’t be able to target each market segment initially, so to help you determine which segments to hone in on, answer the following three (3) questions:

  1. Which segment do you feel presents the greatest opportunity for you to serve and make money from?
  2. Which segment do you feel you have unique experience or understanding in communicating and relating to?
  3. Which segment presents the greatest future opportunity for growth?

Obviously, we’re just scratching the surface here. My hope is to simply shake things up and get you thinking about how you’re guiding and marketing your organization as a leader.

If you’d like to learn more about how our amazing CREW at Relevention help to bring clarity to a marketing effort please don’t hesitate to reach out. Besides, if you think of it, marketing is just like performing a rock concert, all you have to do is make sure the crowd is ready to catch you when you go in for the crowd-surf!