Know Your Audience and Get Standing Ovations


As your organization moves from one marketing effort to another how hard do you work at understanding the audience you’re trying to reach? Their needs and wants are constantly changing, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in gigantic shifts; when marketing actives line up with these preferences you’ll be set to take centre stage!

The reality is that your brand is appealing to more than one audience based on an individual or group’s needs and their influence in the purchase decision. Getting to know, and separate, your Primary Target Audience from your Secondary Target Audience will make your marketing efforts clearer. Both are important, but for varying reasons, and each requires a different communication approach to influence behaviour.

A primary target audience is an individual or group that directly receives the benefit of a product or service, but may or may not make the purchase decision. In many cases, the focus of marketing activities will be directed toward this audience. Product or service innovation and performance should be conducted with this group’s needs in mind.

A secondary target audience is an individual or group that does not necessarily receive the direct benefit of the product or service but makes or heavily influences the purchase decision. In business-to-business providers, the majority of promotional budgets are directed toward this audience.

Getting to know (or re-connect with) your consumers more deeply is an invaluable marketing endeavour as it means you’ll be more likely to share your marketing message with the right people, thus increasing your chances of success in a noisy marketplace.