Putting a Face to a (Brand) Name


You might not be ready for this question but here it is: Who is the face of your brand?

If you’ve come up blank then you might have a problem on your hands.

If you’ve come up with someone’s face that you’re not able to leverage from a marketing stand point then you could be have a problem or opportunity.

A lot of companies pay for the face(s) of their brand. Celebrities can wield their charm, personality, and expertise in association with a product or service and create the kind of good will and genuine interest that produces sales and brand building.

Look at the food industry! We’re seeing a lot of chefs align themselves with food, beverage and hospitality companies. A strong brand usually has talent behind it – and in front of it – that’s just the way it is.

Selecting the right talent to shoulder a brand is not easily done. This decision requires an approach that includes having a shared target audience, similar values, and a genuine interest in creating a public relationship. If you’re on the hunt for such a person then my advice here is to reach for the stars and make the ‘big asks’ of those notable personalities you respect. If you believe your company can embrace them as your front man then you’re on the right track.